Sport 4 Art

An innovative approach to higher education in EHEA - Erasmus + program of the EU


36 months: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2026

Assoc. Prof. L. Dimitrova, took part in the Eighth International Scientific Congress

About the project

The aim of the project is to open existing qualifications in the field of sports higher education to further specialisation and occupation of positions in new economic sectors.


Erasmus + program of the EU,

KA 2 Cooperation among organisations and institutions / Cooperation Partnerships / Higher education

Decentralised action

The Sport4Art (An innovative approach to higher education in EHEA) project is aimed at modernising higher education in the EU. The aim of the project is to open existing qualifications in the field of sports higher education to further specialisation and occupation of positions in new economic sectors. 

The qualities of athletes who have acquired qualifications in sports science, coaching or teaching qualifications are wide-ranging and can be applied in new areas, both close to and different from sports. The project explores the possibility of creating a joint specialising qualification Sports Production Specialist for the purposes of the entertainment industry. The new qualification will combine sporting physical qualities with an understanding of staging, directing, scenography, script art, publicity, music  and more. I.e. the idea of the project is to establish a new stage genre – sports public production – and to shape a training program for sports specialists as organisers and performers. 

The Sport4Art project is designed to last for three years – from 2023 to 2026. The partnership includes educational structures for higher education from three countries – Bulgaria, Spain and the Czech Republic, as well as a serious organisation from the entertainment business – the National Association Cultures du Monde from France. Associate partner is NuBoyana Film Studios, the most significant film company situated in Bulgaria. At the core of the project is the desire of the partners to show the huge potential of sports qualifications and their specific application in the real labor market, as well as to demonstrate the power of synergy – the opportunities that arise from the cooperation of close educational institutions in Europe and the importance of the EHEA reforms – the attractiveness of higher education depends on its orientation towards the needs of young people.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Innovativeness of the project

The innovation of the idea - academic training in a dual form – theoretical and practical training in parallel (i.e. studying and working simultaneously). For the first time, students majoring in "Sports" will have the opportunity to gain an author's experience in an entire sports-based performance.
Innovation in results – This specialization program will enable learners both to participate with best capacity in sport staging or to produce themselves such performances. The program will broaden the labour market opportunities for students in sport.
Innovation in results – This specialization program will enable learners both to participate with best capacity in sport staging or to produce themselves such performances. The program will broaden the labour market opportunities for students in sport.