Associate Professor Leyla Dimitrova, lecturer at the National Sports Academy – Sofia, took part in the Eighth International Scientific Congress for Contemporary Educational Research

Associate Professor Leyla Dimitrova, lecturer at the National Sports Academy – Sofia, took part in the Eighth International Scientific Congress for Contemporary Educational Research, which was held in the historic capital of Poland – Krakow from July 8 to 10. This year’s edition of the scientific forum was held under the motto „Education, science, art and society in the 21st century: innovative approaches and competences„. The forum was co-organized by the Jagiellonian University’s Institute for European Studies and the Contemporary Educational Research Association (CEAD), Mugla, Turkey.

In her presentation, Leyla Dimitrova provided the participants with the opportunity to learn about the results achieved so far under the Sport4Art project, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU. Leila Dimitrova presented the idea of ​​combining the achievements of sports techniques with the public appeal and possibilities of performing arts. The presented project generated a strong interest in the audience, as well as an expressed desire to receive additional information when reaching the final results and the demonstration of the sports performance.

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